Business of the Year
This award recognizes a business that contributes to economic growth and whose practices and professional conduct contribute to a sense of cooperation within the entire business community.
- A certified disability-owned business enterprise DOBEs, V-DOBEs, SDV-DOBEs for-profit business that is at least 51% owned, managed, and controlled by a person with a disability.
- Demonstrates a commitment to promoting a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible workplace environment
- Demonstration of outstanding achievement and high-performance standards necessary to meet customer expectations and remain competitive in the national/global economy.
Business of the Year
The deadline for the 2021 Michigan Disability Summit is September 03, 2021.
The deadline for award nominations is 2 months prior to the event or publication date. *Please note that award opportunities are filled on a rolling basis beginning as early as 8 months prior to the event date, so award openings may be filled prior to the nomination deadline.